
Wednesday 26 December 2012

Spring onion Maggi noodles- Maggi noodles recipe

Spring onion maggi masala noodles
Maggi masala noodles- 2 packs
Spring onion/ Scallions( chopped)- 4 blubs along with greens
Cumin seeds- 1/2 tsp
Chaat masala powder- few pinch
Oil- 1 tsp
Maggi noodles recipe
Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan, when hot add cumin seeds and allow to splutter. Add chopped spring onion whites( bulbs) and saute for 2 secs. Now add water to the pan as per maggi noodles pack instructions. Bring the water to boil, add tastemaker and noodles cake. Stir well and cook for 2 mins until noodles are tender and water is absorbed. Remove pan from heat and immediately mix in the spring onion greens to the maggi noodles. Serve hot spring onion maggi noodles sprinkled with chaat masala on top.

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