Saturday, 2 February 2013
P3 Homemade Coconut Milk
I wasn't even a big fan of coconut milk... you know, the stuff that comes in a can. I've used it a few times for recipes but I wouldn't just drink it.
Then my friend shared this link about making your own coconut milk. I had the coconut on hand so I gave it a try. It took 5 minutes and is
Step 1. Boil 1 cup of water
Step 2. Put 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut in food processor or blender.
Step 3. Pour hot water over coconut.
Step 4. Pulse about 20 times, letting the mixture sit for a couple of seconds in between. (Don't run it continuously)
Step 5. Strain through a fine sieve into a jar. Refrigerate.
You can use the coconut shreds again, with another cup of hot water. The original link says you can make 4 cups of coconut milk with the same shreds.
You can also take the leftover coconut shreds, dehydrate them, and grind them into coconut flour. Thrifty!
As pictured on the original link, the coconut oil will rise to the top and solidify in the refrigerator. I am always trying to get more coconut oil in (I don't like eating it plain and I don't really eat toast, though it's great on toast) so I just stirred it back in and drank it. I also stirred in some vanilla, a few drops of liquid stevia, and about a teaspoon of cocoa powder. Yum!