
Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Christmas Eggnog � Maybe I Do Like It

I�ve never been a big eggnog person, and that�s putting it kindly. It�s too thick, too sweet, and way too artificially nutmegy. I even did an anti-nog tweet recently, just for a few cheap, seasonal laughs, but then I realized I was being unfair to this iconic Christmas drink.

I was basing most of my hating on the stuff in the carton from the supermarket, which features no booze, and a nutrition label you seriously don�t want to read. The homemade stuff I�ve had was significantly better, and so I decided to film this rather easy process, since I get so many requests this time of year.

This recipe does feature raw egg whites, so there�s a very, very tiny chance of a foodborne illness. If you�re concerned, please feel free to use pasteurized eggs, or Google, �how to safely use raw eggs,� or just make something else.

Freshness is the key here. The freshest eggs, milk, and cream you can get, and don�t even think about using pre-ground nutmeg. Maybe this recipe will be the one that finally has you going out to buy that jar of whole nutmeg and grater, but it really is the key. I hope you give this luscious liquid custard a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 6 servings:

For the custard base:
4 egg yolks
1/3 cup white sugar
2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
cook to 170-180 F. , then add;
2 to 3 ounces bourbon whiskey
3/4 teaspoon freshly and very finely grated nutmeg

For the meringue:
4 egg whites
1 tablespoon white sugar

- Add meringue to cold custard base, mix, and chill until very cold. Whisk thoroughly before pouring.

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